Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Personality test!

Salam all!

So basically today I wanna share with y’all some simple personality tests that you can do to yourselves and the people surround you. Do you still remember one post about me and my friends hanging out at Pizza Hut where I addressed Irfan and Cher as eagles; Anis and Fathin as cats? (‘HIDUP’ to be exact ;P). Well, that’s about it! But ironic much I’ll reveal the significance of these tests in the upcoming post. muahaha..
Alright pinkies, lets get started!

Test 1:

If you were not to become a human, which animal would you choose to be, and why? Give at least 3 reasons for your answer.

Test 2:
What is your most favourite colour? Choose only one and give reasons for your answer.  

Lenny says: wait for the next post yeah! ^.^

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adjustment week.


This is adjustment week. The week when all enrolled students go crazy squashing into wrong classes and much pleading going on. Alhamdulillah me, Cher and Anis have successfully registered 7 courses, including 2 core courses. That should tell that it’s going really tougher by semester. I’m a lilbit worried because they say 2 irk courses that we’re rolling on are of the killers! Lucky we are all in the same class, we’ll head those through together.*tangan ke dada mata ke atas Ahaks. Eh, Alhamdulillah.. XD

Did I mention about my blocked result before? Well Alhamdulillah sudah boleh view.. the result was satisfactory but not excellent. So far it’s the worst. X0 This is my first time getting pointer below 3.5 and it may kill me but luckily I’m still alive. Harapan untuk mendapatkan dean’s list sudah berkecai umpama gelas dihentakkan ke batu bertubi-tubi kemudian digilis dengan keretapi tiga kali berturut-turut. Sobs. Sedih jugalah because I’ve done my best in finals and yet the carry marks ruined every sweats dropped. Sobs T.T

Oi sudah sudahlah emosi di alam maya Teacher Diana. Adalah hikmahnya tu ! mungkin Tuhan tak mau saya tidur banyak sangat before those deadlines..ataupun mahu saya berhenti merenung buku.hmm mungkin. C

Hahah btw I’m thinking of writing about some of my favourite culinary heroes for the next post. Pray for me. May Allah grant you happiness in everything you do. Salam. =)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Ya, saya masih hidup. Masih makan budu. Dan masih mahu menjadi teacher.

Life is getting more rollercoasterlike these days, at least for me. It isn’t easy. You’ll never know what to expect tomorrow. But believe me, enjoying every seconds of it may provide you with some good memories to be cherished when you’re facing glooms. 

Oh did I just write life for God’s sake. Heheh. Alright, crap not, i’m sharing some pics of me and my recent living things I hang out with. J

lia, budak hs, gigi besi, kawan baik.

hjh nadimah, ibu, boss, bff, peacock.

irfan the eagle, fathin the cat

anis the cat, cher the eagle

wawa the troublemaker, suka tidur di celah-celah.

juga mempunyai sebiji bibir glossy dan setandan najis hidung terbengkalai =3

diri sendiri. cher ckp gambar ini suci. HAHAHA

bilik yg sedang direnovate. hanya mempunyai sebiji katil dan sebiji ekon  oldschool. cat diinspirasikan oleh pn. nik rohaida yang mahu saya jadi pinky.

en. mohamad, our moneymaker, zookeeper, officer, father, bff.
scale yang gemar menipu. -.-
dunia tak sempurna tanpa lemak!

Tapinya, despite all happiness these things bring to me, ada beberapa benda yang agak berlegar-legar di kepala saya iaitu- keputusan peperiksaan semester satu saya yang masih tidak boleh dikenalpasti, kerana uia telah menghilangkan rekod bayaran saman saya. Jadinya, semasa kawan-kawan sedang sibuk menyemak keputusan masing-masing, saya hanya boleh melambung kucing. Agak sedih di situ ya.

Selain daripada itu, saya juga telah sekali lagi terusik hati dengan kucing saya, Wawa yang berpura-pura sihat, padahal dia tidak.

Sementara itu juga, saya rasa amat seronot kerana pada 10.2 ini, salah seorang dari kawan satu dorm sekolah menengah saya, Yana akan bernikah. Ya, bernikah betul-betul. Malangnya, saya tidak boleh menghadirkan diri kerana terpaksa mendaftar di uia pada 7 haribulan. Sadis sadis..

Hidup ini ada manis, ada pahit. Hadapi saja.

Sekian. ^-^V