Semalam masa pulang dari toilet, teman Cher. Buka pintu bilik. Empat ketul kawan-kawan menyanyi 'Happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to Yana.. happy birthday to you.."sambil pegang cake ada lilin.
Gambar hiasan. Gambar sebenar tidak boleh diupload kerana mengandungi unsur keberbahayaan.
Terkejut kite tau. Hahaha. Patutlah masa dinner diorang macam tak mention langsung pasal birthday saya. Hahaha. Patutlah Anis mintak lighter kat Lau. Bila tanya cakap nak bakar bulu langsir. Haha. Nasib baik tak sempat tacing lagi. Btw, the cake was sooooooo enak! Thankyou thankyou thankyou. Hihi.
Akibat terharu, maka saya telah membelanja mereka makan. Deraiv teru je.. Hihi.(apasal banyak hihi ni.) Lepas tu, kami melepakkan diri di Wangsa Walk. Masa ni kitorang tiga ketul je ada sebab Fathin kena study sebab ada exam. Irfan pula ada discussion Cher cakap. T.T
teruja first time jumpa dinner box. heheh ; |

Tapi takpe, kenyang juga.. hikhik.
Lepas tu, kami pun memasuki dalamnya, bermain-main kejap. Lepas tu pergi tengok kucing dengan hamster ganas dalam petshop.
hamsters ni sangat ganas ya. tengok, diorang gigit2 pintu bilik sampai berdarah gigi! |
nak jugak comel macam hamster. heheh |
cher's got the ball. hehe |
anis' shocked face. hehe |
nak jugak . :P |
today is a blessing. wonderful day indeed. first of all, thank you Allah for creating me. thankyou for always being there for me. tnkyou for still giving me chances to live despte of my jahilness. T.T thankyou to mama Nadimah Abdullah and papa mohamad b.ismail for producing and raising me. only God knows how much you sacrificed for this lazy and stubborn kid! thankyou to stepmother Nik Rohaida Nik Sulaiman and sister Elvana Nerissa for being patient all this while. hehe. thankyou very much to sisters in uia for the delicious surprise last nite. ♥ Anis Firdaus Zahira, Sharifah Noor Fathimah, Amirah Jamel lau, S. wish we had fathin with us last nite. :( last but not least, thanks to all who wished me happy birthday- THANK YOU VM! juga saya minta maaf pada semua yang pernah disakiti hati oleh saya setulusnya. :D quoted self-reminder: 'setiap yang hidup pasti akan merasai mati.' may the Most Merciful Allah forgive our sins. ameen.. :)
ohhhh captured noobs..
diana comeyy~~
ReplyDeletemiss u:)
heyyo mishh u too syaz! nti lps final nk ttepek ng awk skmo. hikhik. ;P