Thursday, November 24, 2011


Assalamualaikum. The value of a test

Yesterday I was rushed by ambulance to HKL. The journey itself was a pain. I cried along the way. Siren washed away the croud of wheels and mom could not stand being loss when hearing the noise. I was in a great pain. It was 7 out of 10 I told them.  

Being a subject to a common disease wasn’t easy. Couple of large equipments that smelled like a clinic were inserted into me. I hold my breath and prayed to God to lessen the pain I’d suffer. The moment they entered my body, I screamed.

After the screening they drove me back to our hostel. I slept on Fathin’s lap and awaked by the not-so-smooth road. An hour later my sister and her friends came to visit. I kept saying I’m okay, trying to pretend like one.

This is day three.
I can at least walk some slow steps. Alhamdulillah.

So, what did I find through all these experience?

Lesson no. 1- I have so many people to back me up. Roommates and classmates and friends and family members who I haven't lepaked with recently due to those deadlines came and calmed me down and helped me with the stretcher and ect.  Have you had this kind of feeling ; when you’re in a great trouble, people come like one after another and help you out like so unexpectedly? It was crazy and I am very grateful to have these people by my side. 

Lesson no. 2- I am the chosen one. Allah loves me so much. He tested me in a way that I can still bare in order to grant me some more good points. No matter how painful it was, I was able to deal with it. Isn’t that just cool? I am chosen! Alhamdulilah.. ;D

Lesson no. 3-  Sakaratulmaut is way more painful than what  I’m currently suffering. Rasanya ini hanya secebis peringatan dari Allah bahawa tiada tempat bergantung yang lain selain Dia.

Lesson no. 4- Homours heal. Couldn't stop laughing each time when I recall the funny moments during the whole chaotic night. When all people were so much struggling to lift me up to the strecher, suddenly Dayah asked me whether should she include a photo of my father into my bag which I was gonna bring along to the hospital and it went like-Dayah!! and everyone was laughing their butts out. Hahaha.. Err.. get the point there peeps? Ughh nvm. I thought it was a good healer at the critical time like last night somehow. :)

p/s: Thank you a mass to all who were with me during that night! I owe you two ringgits of pisang goreng. ;P



  2. thanks yea whoever u are. i'm doing really great right now. alhamdulilah! ;D

  3. ALHAMDULILLAH.. I'm the one who love your every post. we have things in common. our changing/ moving state in life. i wanted to be a better person each day. ok, lets not spill everything here HEHE. anyway, alhamdulillah, u sure get your rewards from HIM.

  4. good sis. :) may He bless us both. everyday is a learning process. me still learning fardhu ain and it's interesting to start anew each day! ;)

  5. insyaALLAH, amin amin amin ya Rabb. me too, still learning things that i should've master long time ago.*malu dgn diri sendiri*. but anyway, moga ALLAH bagi masa utk kita.insyaALLAH
